Market Snapshot

Despite Slowdown, San Francisco Area Once Again No. 1...

The San Francisco metro area is no longer experiencing the breakneck home price appreciation observed...
Market Snapshot

San Francisco Area Home Price Growth Nearly Twice National...

Annual home price growth in the San Francisco metro area has tapered off significantly since...
What's Happening

Pacific Union Embraces the Season of Giving

Pacific Union is both delighted and dedicated to do our own small part to give...
MonthlyMarketUpdate Nov ContraCosta Featured
Market Snapshot

Pacific Union’s November 2014 Real Estate Update

The upcoming holidays didn’t appear to distract Northern California home shoppers in November, as the...
MonthlyMarketUpdate Oct ContraCosta promo
Market Snapshot

Pacific Union’s October 2014 Real Estate Update

Homebuyers were out in droves as the fourth quarter kicked off, with inventory decreasing from...
Market Snapshot

Data Says Big Run-Up in Bay Area Home Prices...

The San Francisco metro area, which has shown double-digit price gains since November 2012, posted...
Market Snapshot

Pacific Union Quarterly Report: Q3 2014

Home prices reached yearly peaks at some point in the third quarter in five of...
Market Snapshot

Napa Earthquake Can’t Shake Confidence in Thriving Wine Country...

The 6.0-magnitude earthquake that awoke Napa County residents in the early-morning hours of Aug. 24...
Market Snapshot

San Francisco Metro Area Still Posting Double-Digit Percent Annual...

The San Francisco metro area is one of just three major national regions where year-over-year...

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