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What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Confidence in U.S. Housing Market Climbs...

Americans are feeling quite good about the real estate market, say results from a recent...
Market Snapshot

What Did Bay Area Home Prices Look Like 25...

Throwback Thursday: Check out how much homes in Bay Area counties cost in 1990 --...
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What's Happening

No Surprise: Bay Area Named Tops for Job Seekers...

News of California's economic prosperity keeps rolling in: The state created more than one-third of...
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What's Happening

The Pacific Union Community Fund: Giving Back for More...

Earlier this month, members of the San Francisco Pacific Union Community Fund toured the soon-to-be...
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What's Happening

The Bay Area Is Home to One-Third of the...

The Bay Area's high-tech renaissance has created massive amounts of wealth for young tech entrepreneurs,...
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What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Bay Area Homes Still Worth More...

Bay Area homeowners continue to underestimate what their home is worth -- bucking the national...
What's Happening

Bay Area Companies Dominate List of Best Places to...

Nearly one-third of America's 50 best companies to work for are located right here in...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Silicon Valley ZIP Code Still America’s...

Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes a report that...
fistful cash
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Bay Area Sellers Net Largest Profits...

Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes a report that...

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