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What's Happening

Golden State Unemployment Rate Once Again at Eight-Year Low

California's unemployment rate declined in November, again reaching levels not seen since the previous housing...
What's Happening

San Francisco, San Jose Job-Growth Rate Nearly Double U.S....

The Bay Area demonstrated impressive job gains over the past year that far outpaced the...
What's Happening

Unemployment Drops in All Nine Bay Area Counties as...

The Bay Area economy was riding high as summer came to a close, with August...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Oakland Still Leads U.S. in Sales-Volume...

Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes data showing that...
What's Happening

Bay Area Employment Rates Reach Six-Year High

In news sure to inspire continued confidence in our region’s thriving real estate markets, unemployment...
What's Happening

Employment Above 95 Percent in 3 Bay Area Regions

California's unemployment rate dropped below 8 percent for the first time since late 2008 in...

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