What's Happening
The Golden State's economy was firing on all cylinders in September, with the unemployment rate...
October 20, 2015
What's Happening
Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes an index that...
September 28, 2015
What's Happening
The Golden State's unemployment rate dropped in August, reaching half of the level recorded during...
September 22, 2015
Market Snapshot
Although California home sales eased a bit as the summer wound down, activity is at...
September 16, 2015
What's Happening
Rising prices have tempted some Golden State property owners to consider putting their homes on...
September 1, 2015
What's Happening
Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes a report that...
August 31, 2015
Market Snapshot
An attractive location; access to excellent public schools; and grand, historic homes combine to make...
August 27, 2015
Market Snapshot
Less than one-third of California's housing stock is affordable for a median-income household, and in...
August 26, 2015
What's Happening
California continues to outpace the U.S. for job growth, with the Bay Area's thriving economy...
August 25, 2015