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Real Estate Roundup: Hot Bay Area Market Locking Out...

Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes a trend that...
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The Sun Is Shining, but It’s Never Too Early...

Winter is waiting in the wings, and all those home-maintenance and winterizing projects you set...
Market Snapshot

Government Shutdown Already Cooling Housing-Market Confidence

The U.S. government closure is only 10 days old, but it has already begun to...
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Team Pacific Union Tops at Susan G. Komen Race...

Pacific Union's team once again raised the performance bar at the annual Susan G. Komen...
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Bright Forecasts for Real Estate Markets

Look for U.S. housing markets to continue expanding at healthy levels next year, with the...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Lengthy Government Shutdown Could Stall Housing...

Recent news of interest to homebuyers, home sellers, and the home-curious includes ominous predictions that...
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Rooftop Solar Panels in California More Affordable Than Ever

Prices for residential solar-power systems have dropped more than 25 percent over the past two...
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Americans Staying in Their Homes Longer

Americans today are staying longer in their current homes than at any time in at...
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Pacific Union’s Best East Bay Attractions

Looking for something to do this weekend? The East Bay has plenty to satisfy, including...

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