What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Silicon Valley Homes Are Selling at...

Homes in the San Jose and San Francisco metropolitan areas flew off the market this...
Worried couple reading together a letter
Where We Are Now

Rising Housing Costs Hit the Bay Area’s Most-Affordable Communities...

Despite getting another inventory boost in August, the Bay Area's median sales price rose by...
East Bay home
Market Snapshot

Pacific Union’s August 2018 Real Estate Update

The median sales price rose year over year in August in every Northern California region...
Father Gives Son Ride On Shoulders As Family Leave House
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: East Bay City Ranks Among the...

An Alameda County city ranks as one of the top places in America for raising...
underwater flooding interior
Market Snapshot

The Bay Area Has the Fewest Underwater Homes in...

Homeowners in five Bay Area cities are doing the best in America when it comes...
Nice pleasant people standing in a row
What's Happening

Generation Z Is Poised to Make a Splash in...

While millennials represent the largest group of U.S. homebuyers, they can expect the generation behind...
TheviewonstreetfromthehillinSan Francisco.
Market Snapshot

Confident of More Price Growth, Homeowners Are Waiting to...

Many homeowners in expensive U.S. markets like the Bay Area are delaying a sale in...
smart phone with modern twin bed room
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Most New California Homes Have Smart...

More than three-quarters of new homes in both Northern and Southern California come equipped with...
Portrait of a young couple holding the keys to their new home
What's Happening

First-Time Buyers Score Nearly 1 Million Homes in 2018

Though first-time homebuyers face multiple challenges in today's housing market -- including rising interest rates,...

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