Poll: View of Real Estate Professionals Improving

Photo of hillside homes in Oakland's Rockridge neighborhood.
Real estate professionals are getting higher marks for honesty and integrity, according to a recent poll.

With the worst of the housing slump behind them, Americans are increasingly confident in the honesty and integrity of real estate professionals as they re-enter the markets for buying and selling homes.

A recent national Gallup poll shows 77 percent of adults have either an average, high, or very high view of the honesty and integrity of real estate brokers and sales associates. Of that figure, 20 percent hold real estate professionals in high or very high regard – a record high percentage.

Gallup conducted the poll Nov. 28 to Dec. 1 among 1,012 adults.

The perception of real estate professionals has been rising since they were first included in the poll in 1996, when 15 percent of poll respondents ranked their honesty and integrity as high or very high.

It’s nice to hear that the national opinion of our profession is improving, but we’ve already seen the positive response that exceptional people engender. Here at Pacific Union International, our incredible, highly motivated team of real estate professionals are dedicated to providing extraordinary service and commitment, and regularly receive high praise — and return business — from their clients.

And their talents are also rewarded by strong sales and by industry accolades — in April alone, Pacific Union’s real estate professionals were named to a national list of top “power brokers” and ranked fifth in the nation in productivity. That’s why we say that at Pacific Union, we don’t define “luxury” by the price point of a home; we define it by the quality of our people and our unparalleled service.

(Photo courtesy Rbotman01, via Flickr)

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