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What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Nearly Half of Young Americans Live...

More millennials are living with their parents than at any time since before World War...
MonopolyHouses e
What's Happening

The Western U.S. Is Bullish on Selling Homes but...

Residents of Western U.S. states are more likely than those in other regions to say...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Bay Area Homes Are Selling Faster...

Bay Area homebuyers wasted no time in October, with properties in the San Francisco and...
What's Happening

First-Time Buyer Activity Gradually Bouncing Back in 2016

First-time homebuyers have been busier in 2016 than they were the previous year, getting a...
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What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Rising Home Sales and Prices Projected...

The coming year will see steady growth in existing-home sales and prices. Also, San Jose...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Home Sales, Homeownership Rising

Western states posted a strong rise in pending home sales in September, the biggest regional...
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What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Chinese Investment in Bay Area Real...

Chinese investors still play a crucial role in the Bay Area's luxury housing market, while...
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What's Happening

Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal, Boost Its Value

Almost all real estate professionals believe that a property's curb appeal is a crucial ingredient...
What's Happening

Real Estate Roundup: Millennials Driving Home Sales in Two...

ZIP codes in Contra Costa and Sonoma counties have been designated as some of 2016's...

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