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The National Housing Conundrum: Is There a Supply or...

Pacific Union Vice President of Business Intelligence and Chief Economist Selma Hepp offers an in-depth...
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California’s Unemployment Rate Reaches Lowest Level Since 2007

California's jobless claims dropped again in February, further closing the gap between the state and...
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Market Snapshot

Bay Area Inventory Opens Up in February but Remains...

Inventory improved throughout most of the Bay Area from January to February, although the supply...
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Real Estate Roundup: Bay Area Counties Have State’s Most...

One-quarter of California homebuyers paid all cash last month, and that number is even higher...
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Market Snapshot

Springtime Beckons. So Does Your Backyard.

There's no better time than the spring to make improvements to outdoor spaces. A well-developed...
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Market Snapshot

Families Flocking to San Francisco’s Affordable, Diverse Excelsior

Located south of Bernal Heights and north of Crocker-Amazon, San Francisco's Excelsior neighborhood is a...
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Western State Homeowners Express Confidence in Price Gains

The majority of homeowners in Western states think that home prices have increased over the...
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Silicon Valley Residents Boast the Nation’s Best Money-Management Skills

It takes a substantial down payment, a high household income, and outstanding credit to buy...
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Real Estate Roundup: Bay Area Workers Earn Nation’s Top...

Workers in the San Jose and San Francisco metro areas earn the highest wages in...

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