Where We Are Now: Nov. 2, 2020

Team –

Q4 2019 and YTD 2020 has been robust in our business!

March 15, 2020 set a new reality for our world – we all know it now as COVID. We have lost simple liberties in life. Travel, community, social engagement, and the anticipation of celebrations with those we love.

Together we have been tested. We have rallied! We continue to overcome all obstacles presented to us.

We have set records year-over-year and maybe for all time in California.

Does our success really matter? Seems self-serving and yet awesome at the same time. Many of those in our community are not as fortunate.

Please remember to be humble. Especially as you engage with clients. Be generous when you can.

What matters most is to get out and VOTE – voice your opinion.

Finally, please engage this morning in recognizing our professional staff in our local markets and up and down California. Without this team of professionals, we would struggle!

I so appreciate everything that everyone does for our business. I have never been prouder to play on a team other than ours!

More success to follow – one day at a time!

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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