Santa Monica
Where We Are Now

Jobs Report: California sees largest monthly gain in two...

According to the latest report from the state Employment Development Department, California added 46,000 jobs...
CA jobs report
Where We Are Now

Plenty of open jobs in California while employment growth...

Following a delay in data release due to the government shutdown, the latest numbers from...
Ocean View
Home Trends

Home as a work of art: Get inspired by...

If life imitates art, then these California exhibits just may inspire you to turn your...
Californiaflag PacificUnion
Where We Are Now

California Surpasses the U.K. as the Fifth-Largest Global Economy

California's gross domestic product climbed to $2.75 trillion in 2017, moving the state up the...
Globe showing China
What's Happening

San Francisco a Top Destination for Chinese Investment

Chinese investment in U.S. residential and commercial real estate has surged in recent years, with...
moneyhouse lg
Market Snapshot

Bay Area Home Affordability Improves in the Fourth Quarter

Here's some welcome news for homebuyers: Housing affordability improved in the Bay Area and across...
cash blurry lg
What's Happening

Homebuyers Paying Less in Closing Costs in 2015

Attention homebuyers: Average closing costs have dropped 7.1 percent over the past year, according to...
patio lg
What's Happening

Nearly One-Half of California Homeowners Removing Lawns in Response...

Homeowners in the drought-stricken state are nearly three times as likely to remove their lawn...
What's Happening

Chinese Now Account for Largest Share of U.S. International...

Buyers from China have been steadily increasing in ranks over the past five years, leading...

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