Where We Are Now: June 18, 2021

Fathers’ Day

I missed acknowledging our mothers on Mother’s Day. To see the beam in children’s eyes admiring their mothers is truly amazing, I have reflected on my mother’s love and advice my entire life! 

Thanks mom!

Sunday is a day we will celebrate not only mothers and fathers, but families! Families are community at core. Families are a home base to be celebrated, honored, and treasured.

If I have said it once, I have said 1,000 times: “Family First.” This transcends everything, all values and all priorities. If we, as a society, can extend one passion and gesture it would be “Family First.” This core value provides security, comfort, love, compassion, and inspiration. 

Everyone is stronger in a “Family First” world.

My greatest responsibility and joy in life is my role as a father. I wake up every day proud to be a father to my three children and a surrogate father to many others. Sometimes, the honor of being a father makes it seem like Father’s Day every day.

Like a coach, fathers have a sense of responsibility. A responsibility to shine and perform, not just on sunny days, but especially on rainy days. 

I learned more from my father just sitting around the dining table than I ever learned in school or business. Listening to stories, asking questions, and watching his reactions not only to world events but to my (sometimes poor) behavior.

In my life, I have been blessed with failure, opportunity, and success – maybe even in that specific order! I have learned to brush off insults, criticism, and “you can’t do that.”

The one exception is my role as a father. It is such a beautiful responsibility, gift, and treasure. I take more corrective action on feedback to my role as a father than anything in my life. The role is precious. The rewards are endless. 

Same is true for the role of mothers. For those of you who are single mothers or single fathers, I tip my hat and share my love – wow!

John Mayer likely says it best for daughters, but to me it applies to sons, sisters, brothers, lovers, family and “Family First!” 

Please join Monique and I in keeping “Family First.”

This is Where We Are Now.


Mark A McLaughlin

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