Where We Are Now: April 8, 2020

Work From Home — Day 24 — Closing Bell

Pink Moon

Team –

One of my first calls today was with Gail Dunnett, Founder and CEO of StudioD, a high-end California and New York based home staging business. We were discussing our opinions on the velocity of the post-SIP economy. Clearly, stagers will be among real estate’s first in to prepare listings for marketing.

As we were visiting, we shared a little about what we are doing for our sanity during SIP. For me, Mt. Tamalpais on my mountain bike is a vital source of energy and time for inspirational thinking.

On my ride yesterday (2:15PM to 5PM), the light was exceptionally brilliant. The Pacific Ocean was exceptionally blue and the sky exceptionally crisp and clean. A day like I had not experienced in recent memory.

Gail shared with me her passion for running Mt. Tamalpais. She described yesterday’s run into the twilight of the evening. Gail’s run experienced the rising of a Pink Moon.

As it turns out, Tuesday’s Pink Moon was the brightest of the year. “Pink moon,” the largest supermoon of the year, takes over night skies. It was the largest supermoon of 2020, according to EarthSky. This full moon coincided with the lunar perigee — the moon’s closest point to Earth in its monthly orbit, which gives it the appearance of being bigger.

Among Native Americans, the Pink Moon signifies rebirth and renewal, according to Elite Daily. In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, the months change with the new moon and full moons fall in the middle of the lunar months. This full moon is in the middle of Nisan.

How appropriate that the Pink Moon brings “rebirth and renewal” and on the evening before Passover. Bring on rebirth and renewal!

Tomorrow morning, I’ll share some amazing reflections on 2007 to 2009. Never thought I’d go through this again, but second time through seems 1) familiar, and 2) we are outperforming the model.

This is Where We Are Now.



Mark A McLaughlin

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