What’s Happening This Week : October 7, 2019

LA Greater Area

LA’s best new restaurants, by month

Colapasta restaurant
Courtesy of Colapasta

Blink and you’ll miss it: another new eatery opening its doors. How do you keep track, let alone know which ones are worth a visit? Fortunately, a pro editorial team has done all the tryouts and rated the best.

Ten astonishing LA Art Deco gems

view of LA skyline
Griffith Observatory | iStock

You might know a few Downtown Art Deco icons. But have you seen the Clock Tower in Santa Monica? The Warner Grand in San Pedro? The jewel-like black and gold Selig Building in Hollywood? Come explore.

How LA neighborhoods got their names

Beverly Hills sign

Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Alhambra. To us, they’re just places. But once, they were simply tracts in search of names. Here’s how Manhattan Beach won out over Shore Acres … Humaliwo became Malibu … and more.

An Instagram-worthy visit to the La Brea Tar Pits

Imagine walking inside a rainbow, a child’s giant scribble or a stained glass dream. You’ve encountered the first and only US visit of London’s annual Serpentine Pavilion, at the La Brea Tar Pits through November 24.

The San Francisco Bay Area

Take me out to the ballgame (and tide pool)

New plans for the ballfields.
Photo Credit: Scape

The San Francisco Giants disappointed on the field. But off it, the team announced it will soon start construction on an ambitious remake of its parking lot south of Oracle Park that will include a 5-acre waterfront park with tide pools open to waders.

Patronize the autumn arts

The fall arts season is heating up. Here’s a cheat sheet for the most anticipated cultural happenings across the Bay, including the 20th anniversary of Litquake, an oversized exhibit of Burning Man art, and the West Coast stage debut of Harry Potter.

Harvest Season picks

Sonoma county living
Photo Credit: Wildly Simple

When it comes to scenery and wine, there may be no better time to visit Sonoma County than fall harvest season. These top winery destinations offer gorgeous vistas and primo vino in equal measure.   

Equine adventures

horses on beach
Photo Credit: 7×7

Riding a galloping horse down the beach with the ocean breeze blowing in your hair: Imagine the Instagram possibilities. Here are four spots where you can do just that along the northern California coast.

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