Bay Area Real Estate Agents Exceeding Expectations

Today, you have the power—and the voice via the Internet—to demand more from every product or service you purchase, and the experience that goes along with it.

At Pacific Union International, we view exceptional service as your right. Many anticipated that when buyers (and sellers) gained unfettered access via the Internet to the same information available to real estate agents, the value of working with an agent would diminish—or even vanish. Not so. In fact, we’ve experienced the opposite. Now clients come to the buying or selling process with a wealth of knowledge—they’re armed and educated. That allows us to focus on adding value in more personal ways.

Great brands like the Four Seasons and American Express have shown that personal service can define a company’s point of difference in the market. The exceptional touches don’t have to be grand, but they do need to be consistent and genuine. Like when a PUI agent drove his carless clients to the hospital in the middle of the night, just in time for the birth of their new baby.

At PUI, our commitment to service excellence is absolute. To execute on that promise, we hire team members that exude this commitment to service excellence. And we invest in the online tools and streamlined business processes to support their work.

We live by a “client first and always” philosophy. Our litmus test: How can we exceed your expectations? Purchasing and selling a home is a big, big deal—that’s why exceptional, personalized service is core to our DNA.

Mark A. McLaughlin



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